Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama On The Free Market

Here's a quote from our God-like president as he pushed for his so-called financial reform bill on Wall Street last Friday:

"A free market was never meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it."

This is Obama's understanding of the free market. Perhaps that's why he's referred to the free market as "the enemy." This is the type of statement that would be made by someone whose agenda is to denigrate the free market, not reform it.

Here is a free market lesson for Usurper Obama:

In the free market people don't take; they exchange. This is the essence of the free market. One person goes into the marketplace with a product or service. Another person walks through the door with cold, hard cash. Then the negotiations ensue. Finally one party decides that he wants the other party's money more than he does the product or service he has; and the other party decides that he will part with his money as part of the exchange, the freely-entered-into exchange. There is no talk of "taking." Only of trading.

Unfortunately, we have a president of the United States who is, at his core, anti-capitalist. In his mind all free market transactions should have three parties: The seller, the purchaser and the government. Now my libertarian position is that the government's only role should be to enforce the contract agreed upon between the purchaser and seller, that's it. The reality is that government will step into the picture on issues of product safety and the legality of the product or service being sold. The bottom line here is that our "sort of a God" president doesn't seem to understand the basic essence of a free market economy, and this spells danger for our economy.

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