Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Alan Grayson Town Hall Meeting - Orlando, FL

This is video I shot at Congressman Alan Grayson's Town Hall Meeting in Orlando, FL on 8/17/09. Mustering every bit of cowardice that he could, the Congressman announced the meeting just 24 hours before it was to take place. It was held at a Union Hall. The hall seats about 125 people. Just prior to the Town Hall meeting there was a Democrat meeting of some kind. Those in attendance remained for the Town Hall, thereby leaving room for only 30 or so other people who had come to attend. So, the room was stacked heavily. Listen to a Vietnam Vet (one of those who got in) describe it.

The mainstream media is reporting that Grayson's supporters outnumbered protesters, however this is simply not true. My estimate is that about 20% of the people there were in support, the rest were in protest. Of course, inside the building things weighed in his favor, due to the aforementioned pre-loaded room.

Stacking the deck works every time for political hacks.

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