Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Connecticut Police to Begin Door-to-Door Gun Confiscations - Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms - Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons - MN Democrats Introduce Law to Confiscate Guns. Give Gun Owners 6 Months to Turn in

Connecticut Police to Begin Door-to-Door Gun Confiscations

Where have we seen these Gestapo tactics before? History repeats itself?


Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms – Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons


“This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!” - Adolf Hitler


MN Democrats Introduce Law to Confiscate Guns… Give Gun Owners 6 Months to Turn in Weapons


“Ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State.” - Heinrich Himmler 1935


New Jersey bill is outright gun ban on .22-caliber rifles and leads to confiscation


"We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?" - Joseph Stalin


Union Goons Have License to Run Wild In Pennsylvania


Is the American public is too busy watching The Bachelor finale? If you make a threat but never follow through, you can simply claim you are in a labor dispute? Look for the Goonion Label!


Minnesota School Freezes Live Student


Yet another example of the idiocy that prevails in our government schools. Is it possible for teachers to get any dumber? Government schools need an enema.


Iran: Top Court Orders Man's Eyes to be Gouged Out and Ears Chopped for Pouring Acid on Girl


Why would he would throw acid on her in the first place? She wouldn't marry him? I have no problem with this sentence handed down by the Iranian court.


MSNBC’s Most Embarrassing Mockery of Romney’s Russia Warnings


Behold the preening cavalcade of smug - from people with absolutely nothing to be smug about.


Military patch for Syria just released


Why not give Putin a Nobel Peace Prize? That will fix everything.


Do they practice female circumcision in Kenya? It could explain The Hack.


Note: The $1 Billion Obama gave California for studying the drought due to global warming is now being spent on sandbags due to too much rain.



9am. Blame Bush

10am. Blame GOP

11am. Blame Tea Party

2pm. Blame Fox News

4pm. Two hour speech on accepting responsibility



George Dorunda


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