Monday, January 21, 2019

Pizza Inequality

Pizza Inequality
There’s an economic pie out there. A big pizza. Some people have a bigger slice of that pizza than others. The people with the smaller slices want more pizza. That’s understandable. Who doesn’t want more pizza? How do you get more pizza? You could just take pizza away from the people with the bigger slices and give it to the people with the smaller slices. That way you get rid of all the pizza slice inequality. One of the problems there might be is that those people with the bigger slices might not work as hard to be able to afford their pizza if they’re just going to have it taken away from them. Maybe they should just sit on their butts and wait for someone to take pizza away from someone else to give to them!
Solution: What would happen if you just baked a bigger pizza? If you had a bigger pizza, everyone could get a bigger slice! What’s more, you could get a bigger slice without asking the government to take pizza away from someone else! This pizza, of course, is our economy. If you want the poor to have more money you can either seize and redistribute income, or you can build a bigger economy. Unfortunately, political hacks suck at building a bigger, more prosperous economy.

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